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2022 Dream Program Application Form
Non-Korean youth and college students (ages 13-23) can apply.
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Please check the desired camp date(s) you wish to attend. (희망 캠프 참가일) *
1. First Name (이름) (*English only) *
2 . Last Name (성) (*English only) *
3. Gender (성별) *
4. Age (나이) *
5. Date of Birth (생년월일) *
6. Nationality (국적) (*English only) *
7. Current Affiliation-School Name (소속, 학교 이름) *
8. Full Name of Affiliation (소속명) (*Korean only) *
9. Mobile Phone (휴대폰 번호) *
10. E-mail Address (이메일 주소) *
11. Residence Address in Korea (한국 거주 주소) (*Korean only) *
 12. Emergency Contact (비상연락)-Full Name (성명) (*English only) *
13. Emergency Contact (비상연락)- Relationship (관계) (*English only) *
14. Emergency Contact (비상연락)- Mobile Phone (전화번호) *
 15. What is your native language? (모국어) (*English only) *
16. Your English Level (영어 구사 능력) *
17. Your Korean Level (한국어 구사 능력) *
18. Please introduce yourself briefly and why would you like to participate in "2022 Dream Program". (본인 소개 및 참가 동기 작성) (*English only) * According to the motivation for participation, the camp participants will be selected and notified individually. (참가 동기 작성에 따라 캠프 참가 인원을 선발하여 개인 통보 예정입니다.) *
19. Please send us( a video that your reasons for application and any a video that can show your talents. *File name: Title_Name (지원 동기 및 장기자랑 등 영상 첨부) *Attach your video Ex)K-Culture(K-POP Dance , Vocal, Taekwondo etc) Or Winter Sports Experience (Ski, Skate, Ski Jump etc) *
20. How did you know about "2022 Dream Program"? (2022 드림 프로그램을 접하게 된 경로) *
21. What program are you looking forward to the most? (가장 기대되는 프로그램은?) *
22. What is your K-Culture preference? (선호하는 1순위 K-Culture 종목은?) *
22-1. Level (수준) *
23. What is your Second preference in K-Culture Class? (선호하는 2순위 K-Culture 종목은?) *
23-1. Level (수준) *
24. What is your food preference? (선호하는 음식 종류) *
25. Are you a vegetarian? (채식주의자이신가요?) *
26. Do you have food allergies? (음식 알레르기가 있나요?) *
26-1. If you answered "YES", please provide details. (음식 알레르기가 있다면, 자세한 내용 기입해주세요.)
27. Height(cm) (키) *This is for the program uniform supplies. Please provide exact information.If you don't use the units provided, please specify the measuring units(e.g. inches, feet; US, UK, European, etc.) you use. (캠프에서 지급되는 의복 제작을 위해 필요한 사이즈입니다. 최대한 정확하게 기입해주세요.) *
28.  T-shirts Size (상의 사이즈) *
29. Waist(inch) (허리둘레) *
30. Have you received your second dose of COVID-19 vaccination?(코로나19 2차 백신접종을 완료 했습니까?) *Only those who have completed the second shot of COVID-19 vaccination can participate in the Offline Camp.(오프라인 캠프는 코로나 19 백신 2차 접종 완료 자만 참여 가능합니다.) *
30-1. If you answered "YES", Please fill out the date on which you have received your vaccination (백신 2차 접종 완료 날짜를 기입해주세요.)
30-2.  Please send a COVID-19 vaccination certificate to (코로나19 예방접종 증명서를 로 보내 주세요.)
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30-3.  If you are unvaccinated, please fill out the expected date of the 2nd dose of vaccination. (미접종자라면, 2차 백신 접종 완료 예정 일자를 기입해주세요)To those who are unvaccinated: The 2nd dose of vaccination must be completed by January 31st to participate.(미접종자는 1월 31일 내에 백신 2차 접종 완료해야 캠프에 참여할 수 있습니다.)
31. Have you traveled abroad within the last 14 days? (최근 14일 이내에 해외 여행을 다녀온 적이 있나요?) *
32. Have you been a confirmed case of COVID-19? (코로나 확진 판정을 받은적이 있습니까?) *
32-1.  If you are confirmed to be COVID-19, please write down the date of diagnosis. (코로나 확진 판정을 받았다면 확진 일자를 기입해주세요.)
33. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? (아래의 증상을 경험하고 있나요?) *
34. Agreement (참가 서약서) * Please read the agreement in below thoroughly and click the "Agree" box to indicate that you have read and agree to the agreement. (자세히 읽고, 아래 내용에 동의해주셔야 합니다.) *
35. Privacy Agreement *Please read the agreement in below thoroughly and click the "Agree" box to indicate that you have read and agree to the agreement. (자세히 읽고, 아래 내용에 동의해주셔야 합니다.) *
Privacy Agreement
After watching the online camp that starts on January 17, upload your videos on your personal SNS.★Hashtag #dreamprogram2022★ / Those who have excelled in online camp paricipation will be prioritized to the offline camp. / The best ones will be uploaded to the official account of 'pyeongchang.legacy' (1월 17일 오픈되는 온라인 캠프 시청 후 인증 영상을 본인 SNS에 업로드 해주세요.#2022dreamprogram2022/ 인증 우수 참가자는 오프라인 캠프에 우선 선발됩니다. / 우수작은 pyeongchang.legacy 공식계정에 업로드 됩니다.) *
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